Showing 13 Result(s)

UBank TVCs

The brief was to create 4 x 15 second TVCs for the Australian market. The animations were to promote the key positioning that ‘UBank is just the bank you need for home loans’, with each video communicating one of the brand’s three core points in a playful and memorable way. We pitched for this project …

Smart Start Virtual Workshops

An interactive, online financial literacy teaching resource, designed exclusively to meet the needs of primary and secondary students in rural and regional communities across Australia, the Commonwealth Bank Foundation StartSmart Virtual Workshop changes the way young people learn about money. The Smart Start Virtual Workshops are a series of five interactive financial literacy lessons aimed …

Life4Life animations

Life4Life is a health promotion charity, that deliver Teen and accredited Youth Mental Health First Aid training in schools and the wider community. When COVID hit, Life4Life needed a way to get their message out that didn’t involve face-to-face interactions. A number of videos were created by Youthworx  and Positive Ape that brought the Live4Life …

The Bouningen music video (Fu Ching Gido)

We created the new music video for Japanese band Fu-Ching-Gido’s track ‘The Bouningen’. This track is the first off their new album, to be released 14th September. The brief was to create something weird but super colourful and glittery, inspired by the new album cover featuring a skeleton shadow box handmade by Fu-Ching. We utilised …

OzHarvest – 2022 Year in Review animation

Established in 2004, OzHarvest is Australia’s leading food rescue organisation, stopping good food from going to waste and delivering it directly to more than 1,600 charities supporting people in need across the country. We created this animation for OzHarvest, showing the highlights of their services during 2022. Here’s to another year!